Custom Orthotics/Insoles

Our Services

Orthotics, also known as insoles, are specialised inserts that fit comfortably into shoes.

Orthotics, also known as insoles, are specialised inserts that fit comfortably into shoes.  They are designed to reduce stress on the body by enhancing the function of the foot and lower limbs. Various conditions can benefit from orthotics, including:


  • Overpronators – people who’s arches or ankles fall inwards during activity. Often referred to as “flat feet” 
  • People who supinate, or roll outwards, during activity or when standing. Often referred to as “high arched” 
  • Those affected by arthritis 
  • Those with bunions or poor toe position 


We will conduct a thorough assessment to determine the type of orthotic that you require which will include a biomechanical assessment to analyse your movement, standing posture and walking / running gait, both barefoot and in shoes. We will also consider your activity levels, choice of footwear, and lifestyle. 


Depending on your assessment and needs, our Podiatrist can provide both custom-made and prefabricated orthotics, depending on your needs and specific condition. Our custom-made orthotics are designed and manufactured with the use of 3D technology. Your foot is scanned with bespoke 3D software.  After your insole is designed, it is milled by hand. Each pair of insoles provides support tailored to your specific needs and will be reviewed to ensure maximum comfort.

​Orthotics are always prescribed as part of a well-rounded management plan aimed to set you on the right path to overcome injuries or reduce further injury risk. In addition, we will help with long-term injury prevention through footwear advice, form checks, training strategies and specific stretching/strengthening exercises for your condition. 

Sports Podiatry

Our Services

Injury or pain in the lower leg and foot are common amongst every type of athlete, and left untreated can affect your ability to take part in the activities you love.

Injury or pain in the lower leg and foot are common amongst every type of athlete, and left untreated can affect your ability to take part in the activities you love. Our Podiatrist has years of experience treating sporting patients, ranging from professional elite athletes to everyday enthusiasts engaging in recreational sports, and works closely with Singapore’s most prominent sports physicians.   

As part of our comprehensive assessment process your individual sporting needs will be evaluated to ensure your individual sporting needs are considered within your treatment plan. Your assessment will normally include: 

  • Limb length measurement
  • Non-weight bearing and weight bearing assessment 
  • Assessment of joints including range of motion and power/endurance
  • Visual and video gait analysis 
  • Footwear assessment 
  • Training program assessment 

Our podiatrist can then create a personalised treatment plan which include footwear advice matching your foot type to appropriate sporting footwear, customised exercise and stretching programs, taping to provide support and reduce pain levels or potentially prescribe orthotics that will help improve your biomechanics. These devices are designed and made with 3D technology and help to offload and redistribute pressure.

Our aim is to provide specific, individualised information to keep you participating in the activities you love. ​Whatever your condition, our therapies are tailor-made and specifically designed to get you back to performing at your optimum level with maximum comfort.​

Should I see a sports physiotherapist?

If you’re not too sure if you should see a sports physiotherapist, here are some guiding questions/statements to help to make a decision.

  • You want to improve your fitness level but you’re not too sure how to.
  • If you have (recurring) injury to your ____ (insert body part here i.e. shoulder, knee, ankle etc) and want to get back to playing your sports at the same or higher level quickly, safely and most importantly, without pain.
  • If you have an odd instability or pain in your joints. An example is that your shoulder or knee feels “looser” and you feel pain in a part of your joint.
  • If you “often” dislocate or sprain a certain body part or joint.
  • Muscle pain that doesn’t seem to go away.
  • You’re going to have surgery soon or you’ve just had surgery such as the reconstruction of the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament), meniscal repairs of knees and shoulders, wrists etc

Of course, you can always give us a buzz over the phone or mail, and we’ll let you know what we can do for you =)

Foot Care

Our Services

The average person walks around 2400 kilometres each year, yet our feet are so often neglected from our overall care plan.

The average person walks around 2400 kilometres each year, yet our feet are so often neglected from our overall care plan.  While feet  may not require constant attention, issues can arise that need the help of a Podiatrist who are experts in managing conditions relating to the foot and lower limb. 

Podiatrists can help manage musculoskeletal conditions relating to bone, joint and soft tissue, treatment of neurological and circulatory conditions and the management of skin/nail related disorders. We provide non-surgical treatments for many complaints, including:


  • Foot/ankle/knee pain affecting how you walk or preventing sports or activities
  • Wounds on the foot 
  • Problematic toenails
  • Flat/high arched feet
  • Bunions
  • Corns, calluses or verruca pedis (warts)
  • Issues with sensation and blood circulation in the feet

Our podiatrist has a wealth of experience treating a wide variety of people; from competitive and recreational athletes, children, and the older adult. Whatever your foot-related problem is, our podiatrists can help – they will provide on the spot treatment and ongoing advice on how best to manage effectively on your own. 

Upper Limb Rehabilitation

Our Services

Hand therapy is a specialised service focusing on the rehabilitation of the upper limb – specifically the elbow, forearm, wrist, hand and fingers.

Hand therapy is a specialised service focusing on the rehabilitation of the upper limb – specifically the elbow, forearm, wrist, hand and fingers. Injury and pain in these areas can impact every part of our life; daily functional tasks such as washing, eating or using our phones can become difficult and frustrating. Hand Therapists often work closely with orthopaedic surgeons and rheumatologists to provide non-surgical or post-operative care for a variety of conditions such as:

  • Bone and joint injuries such as dislocations or fractures 
  • Sprains, strains and tendon injuries 
  • Nerve injuries such as cubital tunnel syndrome
  • Repetitive strain injuries such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or tennis elbow 
  • Arthritis 
  • Post-surgical rehab; extensor and flexor tendon repair or ganglion excision

Hand Therapists are experts in managing and treating this complex area. A typical session will include a thorough assessment to identify the root cause and both hands-on treatment, and rehabilitation exercise specific to your condition to return you to full function.  Your therapist might utilise a variety of techniques to encourage healing and restore quality of life, these can include: 

  • Manual therapy techniques to improve joint movement 
  • Soft tissue work such massage or trigger point release  
  • Dry needling for pain relief and tissue healing 
  • Adjunct technologies to enhance natural healing or provide pain relief such as ultrasound
  • Heat therapies to reduce muscle tension and pain 
  • Progressive strengthening programs to address movement dysfunction 
  • Bracing or splinting to immobilise the joint allowing delicate structures to heal 

Furthermore, your therapist can advise on safe return to activities (both work and hobbies) and lifestyle management including ergonomics. 

Your hands are essential tools in your life, we aim to ensure you can use them, without pain or discomfort, so you can continue to live your best life. 

Splinting / Bracing

Our Services

Customised supports are used to aid healing after injury or surgery; they reduce the amount of movement at the affected joint, preventing overuse of healing structures and providing stability to painful joints. 

Customised supports are used to aid healing after injury or surgery; they reduce the amount of movement at the affected joint, preventing overuse of healing structures and providing stability to painful joints. 

A variety of conditions might benefit from splinting, these include:

  • Fractures of the arm, wrist or fingers, especially distal radius fractures and metacarpal fractures)
  • Nerve Injuries, such as Carpal Tunnel, Cubital Tunnel or Ulnar Nerve Palsy
  • Repetitive strain injuries (RSI’s) such as ECU tendonitis, De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis or trigger finger/thumbs
  • Wrist, hand, finger and thumb sprains such as Mallet fingers, volar plate injury or UCL thumb injury
  • Ligament tears of elbow, wrist, hand- such as TFCC tears, Scapholunate tears, DRUJ instability
  • Arthritic conditions which can cause joint deformities and joint pain 
  • Post-surgical tendon repairs 

At UrbanRehab all our splints are fabricated in the clinic during your appointment. Your therapist will guide you on the most suitable material and mould the fabric to your affected body part to ensure a comfortable fit.  Splints are always used as part of a larger rehabilitation program, this might include soft tissue release work, electrotherapy and/or progressive strengthening of the affected area. 

There are a wide variety of splint types and fabrication techniques; different types are aimed at different joints or conditions. Below is a list of the most common types of splinting we provide should you want to check if a specific type is available; the list isn’t exhaustive so if you can’t see the type you need – or you aren’t sure what type of splint is suitable – please contact our team and they will be able to guide you 

Finger Splints 

  • Mallet Splint

Immobilises DIPJ- zone 1 extension tendon injury, tendon or bony mallet 

  • Trigger Finger splint:

Limits movement at the MCPJ to facilitate rest (e.g. A1 Pulley trigger finger) 

  • Oval 8 splint:

Immobilises and prevents deformity at the DIPJ/PIPJ of the finger (e.g. trigger finger, volar plate injury, boutonnière deformity, swan neck deformity) 

  • Gutter splint: 

Immobilizes DIPJ and/or PIPJ (e.g. zone 3/4 /extensor tendon injury, finger sprains, volar plate injury, pulley injury) 

  • Dorsal Blockig splint:

Volar plate injury

  • Tube splint:

Central slip injuries 

  • Belly gutter splint:

Corrects flexion deformity of the PIPJ

Hand Based splints 

  • Short ulnar gutter splint:

Immobilises digital MCPJ (e.g. 4th or 5th MC mid-distal 1/3rd shaft fracture) 

  • Colditz splint:

immobilises the thumb CMC (e.g. osteoarthritis) 

  • C bar splint: 

Prevents 1st web space contracture

  • Anti-claw splint:

Prevents MCPJ hyperextension while allowing for MCPJ flexion for grasp (e.g. ulnar nerve palsy) 

  • Short intrinsic plus splint:

Immobilises digital MCPJ (e.g. metacarpal head/neck #, P1 base/shaft fractures) 

  • Short thumb spica splint:

Immobilizes thumb MCPJ (e.g. thumb RCL, UCL sprains or tears) 

  • Finger extension splint:

Dupuytren’s Contractures

  • Yoke/ Relative motion splint:

Sagittal band injuries 

Wrist and forearm based splints 

  • Wrist cock up splint:

Immobilises the wrist (e.g. Distal radius fractures, Scapholunate injuries, wrist sprain, repetitive strain injuries) 

  • Scaphoid splint:

Immobilises the thumb MCPJ and CMCJ (e.g. scaphoid fracture, bennet fracture) 

  • Long ulnar gutter splint:

Immobilizes 4th or 5th digits, CMC joint (e.g. metacarpal shaft/ base fractures) 

  • Long intrinsic plus splint:

Immobilises digital MCPJ (e.g. metacarpal shaft / base fractures) 

  • Long thumb spica:

Immobilizes thumb and wrist (e.g. de Quervain’s tenosynovitis) 

  • Wrist and/or finger drop splint:

Immobilizes wrist in extension (e.g. radial nerve palsy) 

  • Palmar block splint:

Immobilizes P1 and wrist in extension (e.g. zone 5/6 extensor tendon repair) 

  • Dorsal block splint:

Immobilises repaired flexor tendon 

  • Munster splint:

Immobilizes and restricts forearm rotation (e.g. DRUJ instability, TFCC sprains or tears) 

Arm and elbow splints 

  • Elbow / above elbow splint:

Immobilises forearm and elbow (e.g. TFCC repairs, elbow fracture, ulnar nerve transposition) 

  • Static progressive elbow flexion splint:

Provides progressive load to increase flexion at the elbow 

  • Static Progressive Elbow extension splint:

Provides progressive load to increase extension at the elbow

Spinal Physiotherapy

Our Services

Neck and back remains the most common type of musculoskeletal related pain. Back or spine related pain covers such a vast range of symptoms from chronic dull ache, to a sudden acute disabling pain and everything in between.

Neck and back remains the most common type of musculoskeletal related pain. Back or spine related pain covers such a vast range of symptoms from chronic dull ache, to a sudden acute disabling pain and everything in between. There are also a number of different names, and terms, related to spinal pain which can make it hard to know what applies to you. 

Our team has a wealth of experience dealing with all types of spinal related pain, providing symptom relief and rehabilitation for conditions such as: 

  • Acute muscle strains 
  • Disc related pain due to degeneration, disc herniation or prolapse
  • Sciatica / nerve compression  
  • Spinal stenosis / spondylosis / spondylolisthesis 
  • Vertebral fractures
  • Scoliosis related pain 
  • Facet joint degeneration or irritation 
  • Post surgical rehabilitation 

The causes of back pain are complex and multifactorial; despite all the claims it is rarely as simple as building core strength, activating gluteal muscles or stretching more often.  Our therapists will work with you to fully understand all the factors involved, address any underlying issues and show you how to move well even with injury. We will provide long-term relief, rather than a series of quick fixes. 

Each session is tailored to your individual needs, but you can expect a thorough assessment at your first appointment that will form the basis of your subsequent treatment. Rehabilitation will include both hands-on treatment and specific exercises to return you to full function.  Your therapist might utilise a variety of techniques to encourage healing and restore quality of life, these can include: 

  • Manual therapy techniques to improve joint movement 
  • Soft tissue work such massage or trigger point release  
  • Dry needling for pain relief and tissue healing 
  • Adjunct technologies to enhance natural healing or provide pain relief such as ultrasound
  • Heat therapies to reduce muscle tension and pain 
  • Progressive strengthening programs to address movement dysfunction 
  • Taping techniques to encourage muscle activity and joint support 
  • Clinical pilates 

Your therapist is also able to give advice on lifestyle modifications such as ergonomics or returning to training/sport. Our job is to provide long-lasting solutions which will enable you to return to the activities you love with the minimum amount of downtime. 

MSK Physiotherapy

Our Services

Conditions affecting the musculoskeletal (MSK) system can impact everyone, regardless of age, lifestyle or  activity levels.

Conditions affecting the musculoskeletal (MSK) system can impact everyone, regardless of age, lifestyle or  activity levels. In fact, MSK disorders are amongst the most commonly reported health complaints globally.  Almost all MSK conditions respond best to physiotherapy, with research showing that it can be as, or more effective, than surgical and medical treatments. 

Common MSK conditions physiotherapy can help include: 

  • Low back and neck pain, including disc injuries, muscle strain and chronic pain 
  • Headaches including tension headaches, TMJ issues and radicular pain from the neck
  • Joint disorders such as osteoarthritis, cartilage damage and joint instability 
  • Muscle and ligament injuries including strains, sprains, and repetitive stress or overuse  
  • Tendon related pain including ITB syndrome, Achilles tendinopathy, patella tendinopathy and shin splints 
  • Pre surgical rehabilitation for conditions such as ACL/PCL tears, tendon repairs such as rotator cuff repair, and joint surgeries
  • Chronic pain conditions including fibromyalgia or hypermobility syndrome  

Physiotherapy takes a “whole person” holistic approach to managing conditions, paying particular attention to a person’s individual goals and general lifestyle. The aim is to identify the underlying cause of your discomfort so that you can have a long term solution and not just a series of quick fixes. 

Each session is tailored to your individual needs, but you can expect a thorough assessment at your first appointment that will form the basis of your subsequent treatment. Rehabilitation will include both hands-on treatment and specific exercises to return you to full function.  Your therapist might utilise a variety of techniques to encourage healing and restore quality of life, these can include: 

  • Manual therapy techniques to improve joint movement 
  • Soft tissue work such massage or trigger point release  
  • Dry needling for pain relief and tissue healing 
  • Adjunct technologies to enhance natural healing or provide pain relief such as ultrasound
  • Heat therapies to reduce muscle tension and pain 
  • Progressive strengthening programs to address movement dysfunction 
  • Taping techniques to encourage muscle activity and joint support 

Your therapist is also able to give advice on lifestyle modifications such as ergonomics or returning to training/sport. Our job is to provide long-lasting solutions which will enable you to return to the activities you love with the minimum amount of downtime. 

Sports Physiotherapy

Our Services

Sports physiotherapy refers to the management of any pain or injury suffered as a result of activity. It isn’t reserved for elite athletes, or only available if your injury happened whilst playing sports, it’s just that it aims to resolve those issues commonly related to movement based activities.

Sports physiotherapy refers to the management of any pain or injury suffered as a result of activity. It isn’t reserved for elite athletes, or only available if your injury happened whilst playing sports, it’s just that it aims to resolve those issues commonly related to movement based activities. 

Active lifestyles place extra stress on our musculoskeletal system, which subsequently increases the risk of developing pain or injury. Without proper rehab these injuries can  lead to niggling chronic pain and significant time away from the activities you love. 

We see a wide range of movement related pain/injury, these include:

  • Tendon irritation such as Achilles’ tendinopathy, tennis/golfers elbow, rotator cuff related pain, jumper’s knee or plantar fasciitis 
  • Acute and chronic knee pain including meniscal injury, ACL/PCL sprains, patella tendinopathy and ITB syndrome
  • Shoulder injuries such as rotator cuff tears, dislocations, impingement syndromes 
  • Hip and groin pain
  • Back strain / disc injuries 
  • Foot/heel pain 
  • Ankle injuries including ankle sprains, impingement syndrome, metatarsal fractures
  • Post-operative ligament / cartilage repairs 

Many sporting injuries are a result of movement dysfunction or poor movement patterns, our therapists will work to address any underlying issues which may have contributed to your condition to provide long-term injury prevention in addition to symptom relief.  

Your therapist might utilise a variety of techniques to encourage healing and restore quality of life, including hands on techniques and electrotherapy. Once you are ready they will also include sports specific training and guide you through the process of returning to training safely, without fear of reinjury.  

Regardless of whether you’re a recreational athlete or an elite sports professional, good management and effective rehabilitation is key to a quick and full recovery. Our therapists will help to get you back to the activities you love with the minimal amount of downtime.  

Should I see a sports physiotherapist?

If you’re not too sure if you should see a sports physiotherapist, here are some guiding questions/statements to help to make a decision.

  • You want to improve your fitness level but you’re not too sure how to.
  • If you have (recurring) injury to your ____ (insert body part here i.e. shoulder, knee, ankle etc) and want to get back to playing your sports at the same or higher level quickly, safely and most importantly, without pain.
  • If you have an odd instability or pain in your joints. An example is that your shoulder or knee feels “looser” and you feel pain in a part of your joint.
  • If you “often” dislocate or sprain a certain body part or joint.
  • Muscle pain that doesn’t seem to go away.
  • You’re going to have surgery soon or you’ve just had surgery such as the reconstruction of the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament), meniscal repairs of knees and shoulders, wrists etc

Of course, you can always give us a buzz over the phone or mail, and we’ll let you know what we can do for you =)

Pre and Post Natal Physiotherapy

Our Services

Pregnancy, labour and caring for a new-born are all physically demanding processes.

Pregnancy, labour and caring for a new-born are all physically demanding processes. Throughout this period the body is constantly having to adapt to the changing demands placed on it, and this can lead to a number of painful musculoskeletal symptoms both pre and postnatally such as:

  • Low and mid back pain 
  • Sciatica
  • Pelvic / Sacroiliac joint (SIJ) / tailbone pain 
  • Pubic symphysis or round ligament pain 
  • Leg and foot pain
  • Neck pain 
  • Wrist and thumb pain (De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis/Carpal Tunnel)
  • Diastasis Recti
  • Post surgical rehabilitation (c section, episiotomy etc.) 
  • Pelvic floor weakness / urinary incontinence 

Physiotherapy is both safe and effective to start at any time during your parental journey. Your therapist will focus on preventing and treating symptoms, as well as providing options for you to self-manage your condition safely.   Your therapist might utilise a variety of techniques to encourage healing and restore quality of life, these can include: 

  • Manual therapy techniques to improve joint movement 
  • Soft tissue work such massage or trigger point release  
  • Dry needling for pain relief and tissue healing 
  • Adjunct technologies to enhance natural healing or provide pain relief such as ultrasound
  • Heat therapies to reduce muscle tension and pain 
  • Progressive strengthening programs to address movement dysfunction 
  • Taping techniques to encourage muscle activity and joint support 
  • Clinical pilates 
  • Back and neck care advice regarding positioning, lifting and carrying techniques
  • Prenatal / postnatal  exercise programme and advice

Complications arising from pregnancy, childbirth and childcare often go unnoticed or ignored due to the hectic nature of becoming a new parent – but you don’t have to live with pain.  Our team can help to guide you through each stage of the journey and get back to the activities you love.