Upper Limb Rehabilitation

Hand therapy is a specialised service focusing on the rehabilitation of the upper limb – specifically the elbow, forearm, wrist, hand and fingers.

Hand therapy is a specialised service focusing on the rehabilitation of the upper limb – specifically the elbow, forearm, wrist, hand and fingers. Injury and pain in these areas can impact every part of our life; daily functional tasks such as washing, eating or using our phones can become difficult and frustrating. Hand Therapists often work closely with orthopaedic surgeons and rheumatologists to provide non-surgical or post-operative care for a variety of conditions such as:

  • Bone and joint injuries such as dislocations or fractures 
  • Sprains, strains and tendon injuries 
  • Nerve injuries such as cubital tunnel syndrome
  • Repetitive strain injuries such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or tennis elbow 
  • Arthritis 
  • Post-surgical rehab; extensor and flexor tendon repair or ganglion excision

Hand Therapists are experts in managing and treating this complex area. A typical session will include a thorough assessment to identify the root cause and both hands-on treatment, and rehabilitation exercise specific to your condition to return you to full function.  Your therapist might utilise a variety of techniques to encourage healing and restore quality of life, these can include: 

  • Manual therapy techniques to improve joint movement 
  • Soft tissue work such massage or trigger point release  
  • Dry needling for pain relief and tissue healing 
  • Adjunct technologies to enhance natural healing or provide pain relief such as ultrasound
  • Heat therapies to reduce muscle tension and pain 
  • Progressive strengthening programs to address movement dysfunction 
  • Bracing or splinting to immobilise the joint allowing delicate structures to heal 

Furthermore, your therapist can advise on safe return to activities (both work and hobbies) and lifestyle management including ergonomics. 

Your hands are essential tools in your life, we aim to ensure you can use them, without pain or discomfort, so you can continue to live your best life.