Foot Care

The average person walks around 2400 kilometres each year, yet our feet are so often neglected from our overall care plan.

The average person walks around 2400 kilometres each year, yet our feet are so often neglected from our overall care plan.  While feet  may not require constant attention, issues can arise that need the help of a Podiatrist who are experts in managing conditions relating to the foot and lower limb. 

Podiatrists can help manage musculoskeletal conditions relating to bone, joint and soft tissue, treatment of neurological and circulatory conditions and the management of skin/nail related disorders. We provide non-surgical treatments for many complaints, including:


  • Foot/ankle/knee pain affecting how you walk or preventing sports or activities
  • Wounds on the foot 
  • Problematic toenails
  • Flat/high arched feet
  • Bunions
  • Corns, calluses or verruca pedis (warts)
  • Issues with sensation and blood circulation in the feet

Our podiatrist has a wealth of experience treating a wide variety of people; from competitive and recreational athletes, children, and the older adult. Whatever your foot-related problem is, our podiatrists can help – they will provide on the spot treatment and ongoing advice on how best to manage effectively on your own.