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Jacob Praveen

Jacob Praveen AHPC

Senior Physiotherapist

He has provided physiotherapy coverage for various National and International sports and games like Youth Olympic Games in 2010, Asian Youth Games in 2009, Nan Ling badminton tournaments in 2013 and in various sporting activities. Contact Jacob directly at

Qualifications & Achievements: Masters of Physiotherapy (Orthopaedic Manipulative Physiotherapy), New Zealand Post Graduate Diploma in Physiotherapy (Manipulative Physiotherapy), New Zealand DMA Clinical Pilates, Australia Post Graduate Diploma in Geriatric Care, India Bachelor of Physiotherapy, India AHPC Supervisor AHPC Registered, Singapore MIAP, India

Core Skills: Physiotherapy (Orthopaedics, Musculoskeletal, Sports, Spine), Taping, Clinical Pilates, Manipulation, Mobilisation, Muscle Energy Technique, Positional Release Technique, McKenzie Mechanical Diagnosis and Treatment, Mulligans Concept, Biomechanical analysis, Exercise prescription, Physiotherapy Education, Wellness Instructor.

Practice Location: Orchard Road & Robinson Road (CBD) Making a difference is what motivates Jacob each day to perform his duties as a Physiotherapist. Jacob, whose core specialisation is Manipulative Physiotherapy attained his Post Graduate Diploma from University of Otago. He also proceeded to complete his Masters in Orthopaedic Manipulative Physiotherapy from the same University. He has 13 years of experience in physiotherapy practice and holds strong interest in assessing and managing musculoskeletal conditions, spinal pain (back pain, neck pain, sacroiliac joint pain and pelvic girdle pain) and sports related injuries. Jacob has always kept himself abreast with learning different musculoskeletal skills such as Mckenzie Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT), Mulligan’s concept taught by Dr Mulligan himself, DMA clinical pilates taught by Dr Craig Philips, Muscle Energy Technique, Positional Release Technique, Exercise prescription, Shock wave and Chronic pain taught by Dr Lorimer Mosely. Jacob has been working in urban-rehab for the last 3 years. He enjoys working with patients with various musculoskeletal disorders. He practises holistically with his attained knowledge, skill and reasoning in treating his clients which helps them to recover to the fullest and fastest. 

He connects with several orthopaedic specialists and pain specialists to expedite rehabilitation process. He loves organising continuous professional development (CPD) educational talks to the physiotherapists, sports trainers and strength and conditioning therapists. Prior to private practice, Jacob worked in Changi General Hospital for 6 years as a Senior Physiotherapist. His work involved assessing, diagnosing and treating patients with various bone, muscle and joint conditions. He also worked closely with the Accident and Emergency (A&E) department to treat all kinds of acute musculoskeletal conditions (acute back strain, ligamentous sprains, muscle strains, discogenic back pain, acute neuropathic pain). Working in A&E, challenged him to assess, diagnose and help patients alleviate their pain and improve functions within short span of time. Jacob also works as a Clinical Lecturer/Instructor at School of Physiotherapy, Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP) instructing, teaching and guiding physiotherapy students to excel in clinical knowledge, skills and practice. He is also a supervisor for Allied Health Professional Council – Singapore, administering regulatory framework in bringing up competent physiotherapist and leading them to attain full practicing licence and registration from Allied Health Professions Council, Singapore. 

Jacob has presented and published various research studies in National and International conferences such as:

  • “Is manipulation effective in the treatment of sacroiliac joint pain and function? A systematic review” at the World Congress of Physical Therapy (2015) in Singapore. Access at
  • Efficacy of hydrotherapy exercise versus land exercises for post-operative lumbar spine at the World Congress of Physical Therapy (2015) in Singapore. Access at
  • Determining the level of evidence for the effectiveness of spinal manipulation in upper limb pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Manual Therapy (2015). Access at DOI:10.1016/j.math.2014.11.004
  • Neck pain in CGH in Singapore Proceedings (2014). Access at
  • Return to run: Lateral ankle sprain with sural nerve involvement – A case study in Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational therapy (2014). Access at
  • Case report on return to work: Efficacy of mobilisation and manipulation in a patient with lumbar zygoapophyseal joint lock at MUCH International conference (2009) Malaysia.
  • Is manipulation effective in the treatment of acute low back pain – A systematic review at Annual Scientific Meeting (2009) in Changi General Hospital, Singapore.
  • Constraint induced movement therapy – A descriptive study at PHYSIOFEST, South Indian conference (2006), India.
  • McKenzie’s approach a main play in treating low back pain at SIRPAM, South Indian Conference (2004), India.

He also has given public talks in creating awareness on spinal health at National University of Singapore, FEDex, Fullerton group, Prudential, PROFIT and also in various private firms. He also conducted workshop on various manual therapy techniques to colleagues and taping (rigid and rock tape) workshops for students at Nan Yang Junior College, Singapore. Jacob has been the recipient of various awards such as:

  • Singhealth Gold Award in 2011
  • Singhealth Silver Award in 2010
  • Best Service Award in 2009 at CGH


Hand Therapy

Strength & Conditioning